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Blog: Wir schaffen das!

By Steven Dhondt


The H2020 GI-NI project is about major transitions. A transition is classified as major if it impacts a company’s production function. For example, companies might produce more cheaply. We understand that technology can help adjust a company’s cost structure. With migration, we then think of a cheaper factor of labour.

Against all odds, Syria has been freed from a 60-year dictatorship. Until today, our fear in the EU was that, depending a bit on the wiles of the Turkish president, we would be ‘fed’ a steady stream of Syrian refugees. Despite our image of ourselves as welcoming, liberal, and democratic, over the past few years, our nations have done everything in their power to make it virtually impossible for asylum seekers to enter. That by building a Trumpian wall around the EU and by showing ourselves particularly inhospitable and intolerant towards migrants.

The new Syrian leaders have called for their diaspora to come back to Syria, all to help rebuild the country. I hope that will happen. If we in the EU are smart, starting today, we will send Christmas boats to Syria with all the material they need to rebuild the country. An absurd thought? When I walk around Leuven, Belgium, and I look at the majestic Central Library, I read on the outside walls of the library the names of hundreds of American universities. Leuven had been bombed flat at the end of the First World War. American universities raised money to rebuild the library. Belgium has been a staunch ally of the United States ever since. We can get that kind of action done in Europe, too.

And what does that mean economically and socially? Well, if I read it correctly, a reverse economic shock. In recent years, Syrian refugees have been able to fill all kinds of workplaces in Europe (partially or completely). If those millions of Syrians go back, they will help increase the labour shortage. Thus, personnel costs will increase. Until now, the GI-NI project has shown that the presence of migrants helps mitigate labour shortages (e.g. see report D5.3). Hopefully, companies will see the upcoming intensifying labour shortages as an incentive to do more with technology and organisation. Industry 4.0 failed, let us embrace Industry 5.0! Some more capital-focused colleagues may even see Syria as a new market. Anyway, let’s seize this historic moment in Syria to transform the EU and, with it, the Middle East. Let us turn our failed reception of Syrians into a successful relief operation for Syria. Help Syria become a new ally!

The GI-NI project will present its results during its Final Conference in Brussels, on February 3rd. You can participate by signing up here: