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This is the repository of the GINI (Growing Inequalities’ Impacts – FP7; 2010-2013).
For more formation see:
Growing Inequalities' Impacts | GINI Project | Fact Sheet | FP7 | CORDIS | European Commission (

The main results were published
by Oxford University Press in two volumes
(also in paperback):


Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István György Tóth, and Herman van de Werfhorst, editors (2014). Changing Inequalities in Rich Countries: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives.
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Brian Nolan, Wiemer Salverda, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István György Tóth and Herman van de Werfhorst, editors (2014). Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries’ Experiences.
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This repository offers access to the detailed reports that resulted from the project:

25 Country Reports
 covering 28 countries
94 Discussion Papers
4 Policy Papers

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the project coordinator at

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