In this report, we propose a method to analyse the changing structure of employment in countries by business function (fabrication, R&D, management and marketing), based on the input-output structure of the world economy. Demand for jobs in particular functions is driven by changes in technology, trade and consumption. Using structural decomposition analysis, we study the relative importance of these drivers for the period 2000-2014. We derive a measure of technological change in GVCs. We find that technological change and changes in trade patterns have both played an important role in the decline of fabricationemployment in large West-European countries. The role of trade tends to have been the most important for this business function. For labour demand regarding other business functions, changes in trade have been much less impactful. For East-European countries, somewhat mixed results were obtained regarding the role of trade, but labour-saving technological change exerted a clearly downward pressure on labour demand in all functions.