This report contains an assessment of the policy relevance of the GI-NI project. It starts from the European Social Model, which states that the European Union strives for less poverty and inequality, and convergence to higher living conditions. More skills are conducive to these goals. With this starting point, the position paper assesses the complexity of the European governance model. The EU has different competencies and instruments to manage the three transformations that are central to the GI-NI project: technology, globalisation and migration. The European policy context is one of constant change. Even the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian crisis are changing the content of the current European policy. The position paper maps these changes and challenges for the future. The paper also shows what the different tasks will bring to the policy debate. The final section of the position paper summarises the main results and makes four observations on the contribution of the GI-NI project to the research on the three transformations and the outcomes of inequality and skill changes.
You can read the full report here.
The report is linked to the work-package 1 “Setting the Scene: Framework, Approaches, Methodology“, which takes into account the evolution of the processes through which technological change, globalisation and migration are integrated in economic, institutional, political and socio-cultural contexts, including the needs and obstacles.