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Post-doc opportunity in Paris at CNAM

Our GI-NI partner CNAM is offering s) is offering 6 one year post-doctoral fellowships (October 2024 to September 2025), hosted at the CEET (Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi et du Travail, Employment and Labour Research Centre). These post-docs are aimed at PhD holders who have defended their doctoral thesis  between the 1st of October 2021 and the 31th of October 2024, in the following fields: economics, ergonomics, sociology and political sciences. For the year 2024-2025, the CEET will be particularly interested in research on the following topics: the effects on employment and work of the ecological transition and technological transformations (in particular AI), changes in the organisation of working time (e.g. the 4-day week) and their effects on workllife balance, the links between work and migration in a context of changing skills requirements and recruitment difficulties in some sectors, wage dynamics and changing forms of remuneration in relation to social dialogue, self-employment and platform work. In the context of longer working lives, health issues related to work and employment and occupational health policies (managing sick leave, occupational medicine, etc.) are also key questions.

For more information or for applying: send an email no later than the 30th of May 2024 to the following addresses: katia.francois2@lecnam.netand be sent by e mail no later than the 30th of May 2024 to the following and