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This conference benefits from the financial support of the European Commission, through the GI-NI (H2020) project and participation is free of charges.



The first conference on the economic impact of technological transformation, globalisation and migration will take place on May 25th 2023, at the University of Agder, Norway.

Over the past decades, inequality within populations has widened in the majority of countries regarding many dimensions of life. This has been of central concern for both policymakers and researchers alike. To formulate remedies, we must have an integral understanding of the drivers of such widening inequality and their interactions. In addition, we must understand the strengths and weaknesses of our current institutions to deal with these issues. This conference aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines to share and discuss their recent findings related to widening income inequality, living standards, and prosperity more broadly.

Researchers from all fields of economics, political science and sociology are invited to present new research results and discuss possible directions for future research activities. We welcome the submission of papers with an empirical, theoretical, and/or policy orientation focusing on micro- or macroeconomic aspects of inequalities linked to globalisation, migration and technological change. The analysis should focus on Europe or be related to it.

See also University of Agder webpage for more information about the GI-NI Scientific Conference



The GI-NI Scientific Conference is right around the corner! The organising committee has prepared a brochure, which serves as a practical guide, providing attendees with essential information of the conference. Check the programme here:


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Alexandra Spitz-Oener



Alexandra Spitz-Öner is a Professor of Economics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, a research associate at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg, and at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn. In addition, she is a principal investigator of the Collaborative Research Center/TransRegio “Rationality and Competition“, funded by the German Sciences Foundation.

Her research interests are in Applied Microeconomics, in particular Labor Economics. Her research focuses on understanding the challenges for workers brought about by technological changes, trade and immigration.

More information about Alexandra Spitz-Oener: 


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Simon Wiederhold



Simon Wiederhold is Professor of Labour Economics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenbergand Senior Research Advisor at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), in Germany. In his research, he investigates causes and consequences of inequality in the education system. He is also interested in the future of the labour market.

More information about Simon Wiederhold:



The call for abstracts of the GI-NI Scientific Conference has received remarkable contributions. After careful consideration, the Scientific Committee of the conference has accepted 18 communications. An updated version of the booklet has been produced which brings together these contributions from various research fields, including economics, political science, and sociology. Discover the compilation of selected abstracts in the booklet:



All the information and guidelines regarding the Call for Papers can be found here:



Location / Campus Map

University of Agder, Norway. Campus Gimlemoen, Kristiansand

Please find information on the location here.


How to get to Agder, Norway

The quickest way of getting to the university campus in Kristiansand from abroad is to travel by plane to Kristiansand Airport, Kjevik. The airport has flight connections to Oslo, Copenhagen, London, Gdansk and Amsterdam, all within a 1.5 hour flight of Kristiansand. More information about how to get to the University of Adger is available at the following link.


Scientific Committee

  • Hans-Christian Garmann Johnsen | University of Agder (Norway)
  • Steven Dhondt |TNO/KU Leuven (Netherlands)
  • Cinzia Alcidi | CEPS (Belgium)
  • Egoitz Pomares | Sinnergiak – University of the Basque Country (Spain)
  • Ulrich Zierahn |University of Utrecht (Netherlands)
  • Emilie Rademakers |University of Utrecht (Netherlands)
  • Bart Los |University of Groningen (Netherlands)
  • Marcel Smolka |University of Flensburg (Germany)
  • Balázs Reizer | Centre for Economic and Regional Studies/Corvinus University Budapest (Hungary)
  • Majda Seghir |CNAM (France)
  • Leire Aldaz |University of the Basque Country (Spain)


Organising Committee

  • Miriam Høgseth Joakimsen | University of Agder (Norway)
  • Asier Lakidain  | UPV/EHU (Spain)
  • Basak Van Hove | CEPS (Belgium)
  • Veselina Georgieva | CEPS (Belgium)