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GI-NI Webinar #1 · Outcomes of the conceptual work package · 15/03/2022 · Online


The first webinar of the H2020 GI-NI project is focused on the outcomes of our conceptual work package. Three results will have been delivered by the date of the webinar: the conceptual background of the project, the policy debates and a first policy brief. In addition, the webinar will discuss the core ideas of the project and the translation into the main concepts. We will organise the webinar as a discussion between the main authors (Ronald Dekker, Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen and Cinzia Alcidi) and the scientific coordinator (Steven Dhondt).

GI-NI Plus Conference · The future of work in the age of digitalisation · 24/11/2021 · Agder (Norway)

University of Agder Campus Gimlemoen, Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

The purpose of this conference is to inspire stakeholders in Norway to explore scenarios which will help meet the challenges of the future of work and contribute to more inclusive social development. Through three conferences and workshops under the concept "The future of work” we will address three major forces that will impact the future: digitalisation, migration and globalisation. This first conference will emphasize the impact of digitalisation: the skills requirements, the types of work and the quality of work in a 10-20 year perspective.

CEPS Ideas Lab · Inequalities in times of Covid-19 · 01/06/2022 · Brussels (Belgium)

BluePoint Brussels Bd Auguste Reyers 80, Brussels, Belgium

The outbreak of Covid-19 and the unprecedented policy response to mitigate its impacts may have increased and, at the same time, levelled out EU income inequality. What can we say for sure about the impact of Covid-19 on income inequality? Did Covid-19 foster other forms of inequalities? Covid-19 is likely to have interacted with other… Read More »CEPS Ideas Lab · Inequalities in times of Covid-19 · 01/06/2022 · Brussels (Belgium)

GI-NI Webminar #3 · Macro-economic perspectives on Trade and Employment · 16/09/2022 · Online

The third internal webinar will be hosted by Bart Los, Professor of the Economics of Technological Progress and Structural Change at the University of Groningen. The webinar will serve to introduce macro-economic perspectives on trade and employment of male and female workers; a longitudinal analysis of labour market participation trends (2000-2014).

GI-NI Plus & EUWIN Conference · 22/09/2022 · Agder (Norway)

University of Agder Campus Gimlemoen, Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

"The future of work in the age of digitalisation, globalisation and migration" will be held in September 22 at the University of Agder (Norway). The purpose of this conference series are to inspire stakeholders in Norway to explore scenarios which will help meet the challenges of the future of work and contribute to more inclusive social… Read More »GI-NI Plus & EUWIN Conference · 22/09/2022 · Agder (Norway)

GI-NI Webminar #5 · Automation and market power in Spain (1990-2018) · 17/05/2023 · Online


The fifth webinar of the H2020 GI-NI project is focused on automation and market power. The diffusion of automation technologies has been revolutionizing the manufacturing of goods. At the same time, there are concerns that early adopters of automation technologies become too dominant players in the market and gain too much market power to the disadvantage… Read More »GI-NI Webminar #5 · Automation and market power in Spain (1990-2018) · 17/05/2023 · Online

GI-NI Conference · The Impact of the Global Transformations on Inequality · 25/05/2023 · Agder (Norway)

University of Agder Campus Gimlemoen, Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

  This conference benefits from the financial support of the European Commission, through the GI-NI (H2020) project and participation is free of charges.   ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The first conference on the economic impact of technological transformation, globalisation and migration will take place on May 25th 2023, at the University of Agder, Norway. Over the… Read More »GI-NI Conference · The Impact of the Global Transformations on Inequality · 25/05/2023 · Agder (Norway)

GI-NI Pluss Workshop · The future of work in the age of globalization · 26/05/2023 · Agder (Norway)

University of Agder Campus Gimlemoen, Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

The purpose of this workshop series is to inspire stakeholders in Norway to explore scenarios which will help meet the challenges of the future of work and contribute to more inclusive social development. Under the concept "The future of work” three workshops will address three major forces that will impact the future: digitalisation, globalisation and… Read More »GI-NI Pluss Workshop · The future of work in the age of globalization · 26/05/2023 · Agder (Norway)

GI-NI Webminar #6 · Task Shifts in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Firm-Level Evidence · 14/09/2023 · Online


Computerization has replaced workers in routine occupations and resulted in job polarization. This paper links administrative employment data with a novel firm survey to distinguish computerization from both older and cutting-edge technologies. We find that technology adoption is not associated with an average decline in routine tasks within adopting firms. Instead, de-routinization can be explained… Read More »GI-NI Webminar #6 · Task Shifts in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Firm-Level Evidence · 14/09/2023 · Online

Vocational Education and Training Summit 2023 · 22/11/2023 -23/11/2023 · San Sebastian (Spain)

Tabakalera San Sebastian, Spain

On November 22 and 23, 2023, the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training of the Department of Education of the Basque Government will hold the international summit "Moving towards the unimaginable" in Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain). The aim of the meeting is to reflect, together with speakers of the highest level, on the influence of the latest technological… Read More »Vocational Education and Training Summit 2023 · 22/11/2023 -23/11/2023 · San Sebastian (Spain)