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New deliverable: Digital Transformation – Progress Report on WP3

This deliverable contains the proofs for the Milestone 6 (Digital Transformation: Impact on skills...

New deliverable: Impacts of import competition on labour market outcomes and well-being of workers (D4.2)

This report consists of two papers. Both papers deal with worker responses to import shocks in...

GI-NI Scientific Conference Brochure

Stay informed about all the details of the next GI-NI conference. The organizing committee has...

GI-NI Plus Workshop: the future of work in the age of globalization

The University of Agder (Norway) organises the third GI-NI Plus Workshop. Under the heading...

New deliverable: Migration intentions and inequality (D5.1)

This report investigates if inequality triggers potential emigration across individuals living in...

Blog: KIOSK, an important step to more data-access in EU-research

By Majda Seghir (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, CNAM) Evidence-based researches engaged...